Back Pain

How To Deal With Back Pain In Pregnancy

pregnancy_back_painPregnancy is a natural event that many woman undergo just prior to child birth. Some women have difficulties during pregnancy. Pregnancy induced sciatica that causes pain to radiate down from the lower back all the way down one leg. This is a result of particular muscles adapting to the new posture the woman is using to remain upright. At the same time compresses the sciatic nerve. Pregnancy and after the delivery of your baby can be wonderful, exciting, emotional, stressful, and tiring, all at once. To experience this whirlwind of feelings may cause you to overeat, less food intake or lose your drive and energy.

Pregnancy is often associated with backache , as the body of a pregnant woman changes a lot because of the growing baby, the increase in weight and the change in the center of gravity. As pregnant women are not allowed to take particular medicines , there exist home remedies for back pain, which are safer.[ Pregnancy can last from 36 to 41 weeks. On an average, a pregnancy takes about 10 lunar months. Pregnancy brings many changes. Hormone levels go wild, you gain weight and (later) movement becomes increasingly difficult.

Pregnancy tests work best if take them until at least a day or two after you miss your period. Try the pregnancy test again few days later even if the result is negative to be sure.Pregnancy often brings with it a whole range of new niggles, aches and pains. Your ankles swell, your feet are sore, you’ve got heartburn like never before, and your back aches. Pregnancy hormones progesterone and relaxin soften your ligaments that support your back. As your womb grow bigger increased weight alters your posture and places pressure on your spine.

Pregnant women with back pain may find some relief by placing a specially shaped pillow under the abdomen while sleeping to make them more comfortable and better sleep an rest.Pregnant women should consult a naturopathdoctor before taking any herbs that may harm the growing fetus.

EXERCISES: Exercise is very beneficial for pregnant women with type 2 diabetes, as it helps improve the ?body?s response to insulin. Women with type 1 diabetes who exercises prior to pregnancy can probably continue to exercise during pregnancy. Exercises that require jerky, bouncy movements and being outside in hot weather are not good choices and must be avoided at all times.Prevent or avoid deep knee bends, sit-ups (or any exercise that requires you to lie on your back after the first trimester), and toe touches. Avoid exercises that put the lower back under pressure until the back muscles are well toned.These exercises include leg lifts done in a prone (face-down) position, straight leg sit-ups, and leg curls using exercise equipment.

Muscle relaxants may be helpful in some patients, although their benefits are uncertain. Once started, medications should be taken on a regular schedule in order to maintain consistent effectiveness. Muscle relaxant medications may have the same effect.

Acupuncture works because a needle is perceived by the body as something foreign (literally a foreign body) and the body’s defense system sends an increase of blood supply to fight off potential infection. In so doing the area is engorged with blood

You should not rely on this information as a substitute for personal medical attention, diagnosis or hands-on treatment.

Ask your doctor to teach you stretches that focus on potential arthritis trouble spots, such as the knees or the lower back to make it more comfortable for you. Joining the ante-natal exercises or classes with your husband if it is possible is a must in order to cope better during delivery.Ask your husband to be with you during birth to give you moral support and knowing someone you love is with you to enjoy the delivery of your new baby is a great feeling.

Stretch marks that occur during pregnancy or puberty in the buttocks and the thighs may be signs of fat deposits, and for some women the stretch marks can become areas for cellulite. Stretch marks may be permanent,some women they fade with time. Stretch your hamstrings by leaning against something for support while standing and bend one leg up, holding your thigh and straightening the leg. While sitting, bend your chest down to your thighs to stretch the muscles and unload the joints at the base of the spine. Do not rely on this information completely as a substitute for personal medical attention, diagnosis or hands-on treatment.Always consult medical advice. Your baby who is coming into the world and your life is very precious.

Stretching is also recommended as a good exercise for the relief of back pain during this period. Some of the stretching exercises are back stretch ,Hamstring stretch, breast-line and the wall attitude stretch. Stretching exercises and yoga can alleviate the bulging disc condition. Individuals with chronic back pain due to bulging disc or herniated disc have found relief with simple stretching exercises. Following the remedies, exercises and tips on this article helps during your pregnancy.Makes it easier to cope and move better towards the end of your pregnancy. Once again seek medical advice, do not completely rely on this report,all the best and take care

Exercising early in pregnancy facilitates the growth and development of the placenta and the transfer of oxygen is more efficient. Babies also tend to cope better with the rigors of labour and exercising mums are more likely to report ? easy-keeper? babies (hopefully translating into more sleep and more energy to enjoy the new addition to the family). Exercising is the sure remedy for a pregnant woman. Simple walking is the best exercise.[ Exercise – which is just another word for moving – is essential. Your chiropractor will recommend stretches and exercises to complement your treatment, but good health requires a permanent commitment to making your body move

Exercise classes are led by qualified instructors and have plenty of advantages. First, exercise technique is emphasized and adaptations based on individual needs are easily arranged.Exercising in hot weather,after the first 3 months and doing exercises while lying on your back must be avoided. Do not do long spells of kitchen/house work. Avoid/limit the omega-6 fats of vegetable oils like corn oil, safflower oil, soybean oil, cottonseed oil as they cause inflammation. It is important to eat plenty of protein and restrict carbohydrates, so as to avoid inflammation